Malcolm Serjeant is installed as Worshipful Commander
of Southport Royal Ark Mariner Lodge
On Thusrday night 2nd February, W.Bro Geoff Bury RAMGR represented the RW Provincial Grand Master at the Installation of Bro. Malcolm Serjeant, as Worshipful Commander of Southport Royal Ark Mariner Lodge No 473.
W. Bro. Geoff Bury congratulates the New Commander, Bro. Malcolm Serjeant.
Also framed, the Installing Commander, W.Bro. Neil Latham, W.Bro. Terry Tasker, the DC W.Bro. Colin Sherman, the PGM's Special Representative and Holders of RAMGR in the Lodge
The Ceremony of Installation was ably performed by the Installing and outgoing Commander W.Bro Neil Latham assisted by W.Bro Terry Tasker Prov RAMGR who delivered the Address to the Commander in an exemplary manner. Terry also impressed with an excellent presentation of the Keystone Jewel. The Exposition was then explained in fine style by W.Bro. Bury.
W.Bro Bury was supported by a number of Holders of Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank including the PGM’s Special Representative. Numbers were swelled by a small delegation from Morecambe who added much to the occasion.  All enjoyed a convivial Festive Board showing Royal Ark Masonry at its best!
Picture and words by Maurice Evans